“We help people adapt to their new selves”: Occupational Therapy Week 2019


7 Nov 2019

It’s OT Week 2019 and we’re celebrating our brilliant Enablement Team.

Some of the visitors to the hospice wonder why we offer OT and physio to patients who have a terminal diagnosis. If you don't understand hospice care it might seem strange.

But actually helping people live as well as possible, retaining their independence, for as long as possible is absolutely central to our philosophy. It's key to everything we do at LOROS.

If you can make yourself a cup of tea at home, wash yourself and go to the toilet, you can keep active and stay independent.

Patient Barbara said, “I can’t thank the Occupational Therapists enough for what they have done. It’s filled me with confidence for the future; I’m not worrying so much anymore.”

Founder of the hospice movement Cicely Saunders famously said, “You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life. We will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die.”

This sums up the philosophy of occupational therapy in hospice care, says OT lead Hannah Bold.

“We help people overcome the barriers they experience due to their health conditions which affect their own life: physically, emotionally, spiritually, environmentally and socially.

“As people’s health or symptoms change, we help people adapt to their new selves.”

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12th April

Limited time to book your place at the LOROS Annual Lunch

The LOROS Annual Lunch is being held at historical Winstanley House and promises an afternoon of food, fizz and fantastic entertainment. Tickets are selling fast, with Wednesday mostly sold out and limited numbers left for Thursday.

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