Join the others and get involved in our Annual Dress Down Day


30 Jul 2014

Join the others and get involved in our Annual Dress Down Day; it's a perfect opportunity to come together as a County!

This initiative calls on every business, school, shop and organisation in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to take part in a simultaneous Non-Uniform/Dress Down Day event on Friday 10th October 2014. This day is part of Hospice Care Week, a week dedicated to raising awareness of hospices and the work they do.

Alt text We would like everyone to ideally wear an item of YELLOW, a smile and bring a £1 donation. The Leicester Mercury, Radio Leicester and other local radio stations will be following events on the day.

Some schools and companies have already confirmed that they would love to be part of this initiative,they include Affinity Law, Aspects Engineering, Clear & Lane Limited, DCI Artform, Michael John Carpets, Ramon Holdings Ltd, Sherwin Hall Kitchens, Walkers Midshire Foods, Christ the King Junior School, St Paul's Catholic Secondary School, St Thomas Moore Junior School, Stokes Wood Primary School and The City of Leicester College.

Affinity Law team (pictured above) are getting ready to take part in the LOROS Dress Down Day on 10th October 2014 as they will be celebrating a special birthday for Sue Roberts (Director) at the same time. What a fantastic combination!

The idea of LOROS Annual Dress Down Day was initiated by Liam O’Halloran, whose father died at LOROS last October. Liam saw first-hand the love and care given to his terminally ill father and wanted to be involved in helping to give something back to LOROS and acknowledge the work that we do.

Liam said, “The care Dad received in his final days was beyond compare. He passed away peacefully and wasn’t in any pain. The staff at LOROS were very attentive and they made it as easy as possible for my Mum. The support she and the rest of the family received was amazing.”

We hope that this will become an annual event that we hope to see grow every year. If you would like to join us please contact LOROS Fundraising or call 01162318431/2.

Please remember to let us have your stories and photos, we would love to feature some of them on our news pages.

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LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
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