20th March

Tokio Marine HCC raises hundreds in charity quiz night


Tokio Marince HCC recently raised funds for LOROS at a quiz night for its staff.

The event, which took place on Thursday 16th March, brought together colleagues and their family and friends for a fish and chip supper and a quiz.

Jane Hull, speaking on behalf of the Tokio Marine HCC Charity committee said: "I am delighted that our recent quiz night raised a grand total of £1,000 for LOROS.

"Thank you to the Charity Committee for their hard work in making this happen, to everyone who helped on the night in whatever way and to TMHCC for allowing us to use the marque for free."

Magdalena Korytkowska, Corporate Fundraising Co-ordinator at LOROS added: ""A huge thank you to everyone who attended and took part in this fundraising event for the Hospice.

"The amazing £1,000 that Tokio Marine HCC has raised in just one evening could pay for 40 hours of care for one of our inpatients.

"That is an incredible achievement and shows that you really can make a huge difference to our ability to provide free, high-quality, compassionate care and support to terminally ill adult patients, their family and carers - thank you again."

Photographs courtesy of Photorod

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator