Research at LOROS

LOROS aims to improve care for patients and their families by undertaking research. We work collaboratively with patients, their family and friends, health and social care practitioners and researchers.

These pages may feature medical and research terminology and subjects of a sensitive nature. We hope however, that anyone who is interested in research at LOROS will find them useful and we’d welcome your feedback.


All our research is informed by discussions with patients and carers. If you would like to be part of this we would like to hear from you.

We work in close partnership with the University of Leicester and with research teams from many other Universities and NHS organisations, locally and nationally.

We welcome being part of new projects that will improve the care of patients and families and the skills of staff that support them.

The research themes that we focus on are:

Personalised Care: Communication and Decision-making

Symptom Management in Advanced Illness

Palliative Care for Older People

  • Personalised care for deteriorating frail older people

I feel like the circle is complete, it’s the end of this chapter and I’m so grateful to LOROS for helping to make this happen.


The support from LOROS went way beyond what I expected. It really kept me going.



News and Events


Spring Summit

On Tuesday 14th May a packed programme of speakers at LOROS Hospice’s Centre for Excellence discussed the latest innovations in palliative and end of life care, to a sold out audience of healthcare professionals, carers and supporters. 

Piecing it Together: Unveiling of the artwork

On Saturday 7th October 2023, the 'Piecing it Together' artwork was unveiled at Haymarket Shopping Centre.  It will be available for public viewing over the next year.

Our research 2022-23

It has been a very busy year! We've been working to support diverse ethnic communities, looking at new ways of supporting frail people in care homes and acceptance and commitment therapy for people with MND. Learn more about our work at LOROS and with the University of Leicester in this report.


Muslim perspectives on end of life care

On 21st February 2022 Dr Mehrunisha Suleman, Director of Medical Ethics and Law Education at the University of Oxford, gave a powerful talk about Muslim Values and End of Life healthcare decision-making.  There are 2.7 million Muslims living in the UK and there is going to be a doubling of those over 65 years of age in the next decade or so.  Little is known about their views on end of life and/or end of life care services.


2023 'Closing the Gap' East Midlands Palliative Care Research & Audit

The annual East Midlands Research and Audit event on 26th September 2023 was attended by a record number of clinicians, researchers and the public representatives involved in our research.  You can see the programme here and watch the presentations.


Annual Lecture

Dr Laura Green, lecturer and programme director in nursing at University of Manchester, delivered her ethnography research at LOROS’s annual lecture on Tuesday 28th February. Laura specialises in palliative and end-of-life-care.This lecture focused on Laura’s PhD project which explored iatrogenic suffering in older people caused by the system, and professionals in hospitals. Over 100 people registered for the lecture which was attended by health care professionals, volunteers, students, and members of the public.


BBC Radio Leicester Make a Difference Awards Finalists

Dr Zoebia Islam’s and Irfhan Mururajani’s Thinking Ahead project made the finalist list in “The Together” category by BBC Radio Leicester’s Make A Difference Award. They were presented with a nominee award to celebrate their achievement and commend their fantastic work.


RED 4 Research

Red 4 Research unites individuals and groups engaged in research, participants, and researchers themselves. Friday 16th June marked the date in which remarkable teams operate both on the forefront and in the background. At LOROS, we celebrated Red 4 Research in style with a bright display at the hospice, an opportunity to win prizes, and staff wore bright red to commemorate the day!


Fellowship Award

Dr Fawn Harrad has been awarded a prestigious fellowship by the Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness.


Final report for the Thinking Ahead study is published

The Thinking Ahead study explored with patients and families from diverse ethnic backgrounds their experiences and decisions concerning the future and planning for deterioration and dying.  The stories on this page are fictional but they are based on the experiences and thoughts of the participants.


Activities and Impacts


Piecing it Together Project

As a result of the Thinking Ahead project, we need to work with ethnic minority communities to have more understanding about end of life and the choices available to them. In this project we worked with young people to discuss why dying matters to them.

Sawubona: I see you

One key finding from our Thinking Ahead study was the importance for people from diverse cultural and faith backgrounds to be understood and respected.

Learning sessions for family supporting someone with advanced illness

LOROS is working with the Carers Centre and other organisations to provide information to empower family members who care for someone with advanced illness.

Just-in-case medications at home

We asked 100 bereaved relatives about their experiences of these injectable medicines.

"It's a great ideas but challenging to implement effectively."

Hospices have the potential to support patients to donate eye tissue

LOROS was one of 8 places involved in research led by the University of Southampton which found that there is great potential for patients who die in a hospice to donate corneas to save the sight of others.


Did you know: we offer a wide range of training in end of life care and leadership courses

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
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