Research posters

Research Newsletter

Youth engagement: is there a place in palliative care?

Research Newsletter

Ward Companions

Research Newsletter

Transforming Volunteering

Research Newsletter

The evolution of cultural link workers in palliative care in the midlands

Research Newsletter

The evolution of an idea: Establishing the LOROS youth ambassador programme

Research Newsletter

The development of a hospice resource vehicle

Research Newsletter

Starting the conversation: Integrating a death cafe into an undergraduate nurse curriculum

Research Newsletter

Reporting the integrated palliative outcome score from SystmOne - A collaboration between LOROS Hospice, St Barnabas Hospice and LHITS

Research Newsletter

Raising awareness of supportive and palliative care needs of patients with heart failure

Research Newsletter

Making connections: The shared benefits of participating in therapy-led wellbeing groups

Research Newsletter

LOROS Volunteer home visiting service

Research Newsletter

Learning and sharing to transform care: reflections on Florence Nightingale fellowships travel scholarship

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
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LOROS The Leicestershire & Rutland Hospice
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