EDI update

by Jackie Goss

As I write this update it is Pride month, and high time to send an update on Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at LOROS. There is huge support from many for LOROS’s continual progression towards greater inclusivity, and in the coming months there will be greater opportunity to get involved. As a reminder, in the last 12 months awareness raising events and information have been run for Black History month, Hanukah, Diwali, Pride, Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, Passover, Easter and Vaisakhi among others. At the end of June, an exciting new initiative is being launched – stay tuned!

A working group of employees with lived experience of diversity have met three time to agree the strategic EDI priorities on which LOROS should focus. The main objective is to create the sustainable behaviour change which will make inclusion an everyday reality in our service delivery, volunteer and staff experience, customer and community experience.

The group created a sprint strategy with actions, focussed on;

1.            Education, Development and Awareness raising

2.            Inclusive Recruitment Practices

3.            Service Design and Delivery

Some of the actions are already underway, for example the creation of an EDI Impact Risk Assessment which is currently being trialled. LOROS are now in the process of identifying the most appropriate way to implement the strategy in full, with the resources and expertise required create sustainable change.

This is alongside other relevant work that happens around the organisation. Further, the new strategic role of Volunteering Manager has recently been appointed to and an important priority of this role will be to ensure volunteering is inclusive.

There will be much opportunity to get involved in supporting forthcoming projects and initiatives and, of course, we all have an important role in the sustainable behaviour change which will make inclusion an everyday reality. I look forward to sharing more on this soon.

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator