Polytunnel volunteers spotlight

You may be aware of our wonderful volunteers who spend a lot of time busy in the polytunnel at the Hospice. Recently they were planting some stunning hanging baskets to be displayed outside patients' ward rooms and have been growing some delicious fruit and veggies that keep our kitchens fully stocked.

You may recognise Sue, one of our volunteers. Sue recently spent some time at our Big Day Out chatting to visitors about the polytunnel and the work that the volunteers do. Sue said: "My husband was a patient at LOROS so the hospice means a lot to me. I get so much pleasure of out of gardening so doing this for a worthwhile cause makes it even better."

The polytunnel is a beautiful space for our patients to visit too and our volunteers love to tell them about the work they do and the produce that is grown in the polytunnel. Sue continued: "Patients love to come here. It's so rewarding to give something back to LOROS."

Some delicious vegetables have recently emerged including tomatoes, courgettes, aubergines, onions, shallots and potatoes. This is just to name a few!

Melina, one of our chefs, said: "We often take produce to compost including carrots and potato peelings. We are so grateful to the volunteers who help us feed patients and our staff. They help us to provide nutritious meals and care for our patients that bit more."

If you see our volunteers around please do say hello and find out more about what they do!

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator