30th October

Diwali celebrations raise funds for LOROS


Last Friday (25th October) Magdalena Korytkowska and Bruce Smith, our Partnership Development team, spent some time at Barclays on Belgrave Road to celebrate Diwali with them.

The branch had been selling raffle tickets in the weeks leading up to Diwali to raise funds for us and have also kindly offered to match the amount raised by their customers.

Magda and Bruce were lucky enough to wear traditional Indian dress and enjoy mithai confectionary and henna tattoos, which were also offered to their customers free of charge.

Magda said: "We are very fortunate to benefit from the enthusiasm shown by the colleagues at Barclays and look forward to working with them again going forward.”

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator