A local hospice, caring for local people.

We deliver free, high-quality, compassionate care and support to terminally ill patients, their family and carers. We deliver care that is special and unique to each individual.


Learn about what we do

LOROS Hospice is a local charity and every year we care for over 2,500 people across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

Providing care

We deliver free, high-quality, compassionate care and support to terminally ill patients, their family and carers. We deliver care that is special and unique to each individual.  

What we offer

  • Specialised care for those over 18 with complex problems who are suffering from a terminal illness when cure is no longer possible

  • Short-stay inpatient ward for symptom management and/or end of life care

  • Outreach support in the patient’s home - Clinical Nurse Specialist and home visiting service

  • Day therapy.

  • Complementary therapy

  • Counselling

Research & Education

We work in partnership with higher and further education providers to supply education, training and support to over 2,165 health and social care professionals every year.

Research is a key part of our work. Our care is based on the latest research, with our research programme directed at improving care for patients, their families and carers. LOROS works collaboratively with other local health and social care providers to benefit patient care. We also work closely with those responsible for commissioning health care across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

Our Vision

(Our long term aspiration for our society)

Everyone with an incurable illness has the right to excellent care. This should value and respect their uniqueness and their own choices. People should be enabled to live and die with dignity and with appropriate and compassionate support for themselves and their loved ones.

Our Mission

(Our goals and activities in working towards our Vision)

LOROS is a charity whose aim is to enhance the quality of life of adult patients with cancer, progressive neurological conditions and end-stage organ failure for whom curative treatment is no longer possible. Patients are treated at the Hospice and in the community based upon clinical need, regardless of background and the ability to pay.

LOROS specialises in holistic, multidisciplinary care, focused on the whole person and including family and carers. The care given takes into account the patients’ physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs as well as their own choices. Family members are supported in adjusting to loss and bereavement.

LOROS contributes to the education and training of its own and other health and social care professionals and of volunteers. The charity is also committed to research in order to improve the understanding and practice of palliative care.

Our Values


Showing respect to patients and families, as well as members of our community, staff and volunteers.


On exceptional quality service and support for patients and families whilst listening, learning and adapting to their diverse needs.


Working together as colleagues and with local, regional and national partners to grow meaningful relationships and achieve sustainability.


Showing kindness, discretion and sensitivity as we care for our patients, families, our community, staff and volunteers.


Be honest, reliable and consistent, showing respect and dignity in everything that we do.


To our patients, their families, our community, staff, volunteers and external organisations/bodies.

The cost of our care


Spent on patient care each year


Cost per hour of running the charity


Cost per bed per day including ‘overheads’


Cost per attendance for Day Therapy


Did you know we need to raise over £8 million every year?

Each year this voluntary income allows us to continue to provide our services to patients and their families. We can’t do this without you!

There are a variety of ways you can donate and 90p of every £1 received goes towards patient care.

Donate monthly!

My school was saying that I could come and help at LOROS and I thought it would be great to come and help people who are in their last days, I thought it would be a really good thing to do.


My mum, Marilyn celebrated her 59th birthday in LOROS. With the help of the brilliant nurses and staff we organised a spa morning and a cake. Mum died a week afterwards. We will never forget how special the Hospice made her last birthday.


Donate online now!


Would pay for 2 patient’s meals for a day


Would pay for one hour of care for an inpatient


Would pay for a Home Visit from a carer


Could pay for a specialist nurse for a whole day
Or donate your
own amount
LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator
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LOROS The Leicestershire & Rutland Hospice
CQC overall rating