A Little bit of Heaven...


13 Aug 2014

Our brother, Kevin, was diagnosed with terminal cancer in June 2013 and was given just months to live; in fact it was only 12 weeks.

He was adamant that he wanted to die at home, in familiar surroundings and with his family around him but on September 14th 2013, Kevin reluctantly agreed to go to LOROS. He was told he would be there for about a week to stabilise his medication.

As we arrived at LOROS we noticed how calm and peaceful it was; we were shown to his bed and greeted with a cup of tea on a tray. We also noticed the lovely flowers on the ward but most of all, how quiet it was even though there was so much going on around us.

After Kevin was settled in, he was told he could have visitors at any time of the day and night, which put him at ease as he wanted us all there at times to suit him. Nothing was too much trouble for the staff and Kevin was given anything that he wished for during his stay.

There were a few unsettled days whilst his medication was sorted out and then Kevin seemed to be his old self again. We would take him for a stroll in his wheelchair around the beautiful gardens of LOROS and enjoy the sunshine with him. It was during one of these trips that he turned to us and said, "Do you know, I'm happy here- it's so peaceful I don't want to go home; I have found a little piece of heaven here!"

We were all so happy that Kevin had found peace and this put all of us all at ease too.

After being in LOROS for 6 days, Kevin began to go downhill very quickly. All the family were at the bedside with Kevin and were able to come and go as we wanted. We were even given a family room to use. Sadly Kevin lost his fight to cancer just 10 days after going into LOROS; the atmosphere was so calm and peaceful for Kevin and the family.

Each and every one of the staff at LOROS were the most caring, supportive and understanding people that you will ever come across, not just for Kevin but for all his family too.

Our short time at LOROS was an experience that we will never forget and we will always be grateful for the care and understanding that all the staff gave us during Kevin's short stay.

It was then that we decided that we had to give something back to say thank you for all the work that you do; not just for us, but for each and every patient and their families that pass through your doors.

To that end, we have recently taken part in a sponsored Dovedale 6 mile Family Ramble; the oldest member was 60 and the youngest just 3 yrs old. Throughout a very muggy day which included brilliant sunshine and torrential rain we all completed the walk thinking about Kevin and how much LOROS did for him and others like him. We were delighted when we added up our sponsorship money, which totalled £1,257.01.

We have other fundraising events in the pipeline which will include a Christmas fair in November.

As a family we cannot find the words to say how much we appreciate what LOROS did for our brother and our family, so raising money is a small way to say a BIG THANK YOU to each and every one of you.

By Rachel Whitby

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LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
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