DoesYour Art Have Heart?


18 Sep 2014

By Bradgate Magazine | Autumn Issue, 2014

LOROS need your help with an exciting event that will help raise awareness of different aspects of Hospice care, whilst also providing an opportunity to display the work of local artists.

National 'Hospice Care week' is being held from October 6th to 12th and is an annual awareness-raising week to help raise the profile of hospice care across the UK. LOROS, the Hospice for Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland is looking to participate by opening certain areas of the Hospice to invited guests and members of the general public on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th October.

As an added attraction they are planning on holding an art exhibition as part of this event.

LOROS would like to ask if local artists or members of art societies would like to donate any paintings, works of art, prints, photographs or sculptures either on a part or total donation basis. Any donations will be used to help LOROS continue to provide care and services to patients and their families free of charge.

The exhibition will also feature art work completed by LOROS patients who attend our Day Therapy Unit.

It is hoped that the event will be mutually beneficial as it will help LOROS to raise awareness of the important work that hospices do, and will give local artists an opportunity to raise their profile and share their work through supporting a local charity.

The timetable for the exhibition will be as follows:

• Submission of paintings/art to the Hospice September 1st - September 15th.
• Artwork will be catalogued week commencing September 5th - 29th.
• Any art work not used will be available for collection on October 7th & 8th.
• Displays will be assembled on October 9th & 10th.
• Invited guest preview evening October 10th.
• Open to the public October 11th.

If you wish to submit items for display, please email or call 0116 231 8431/2 so that they can log your interest. You will then receive full instructions to enable LOROS to accurately record the donations and properly acknowledge the artist's work .The level of interest will someway determine the amount of art work they will be able to display, as there are limitations on room space.

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LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
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