"Tinsel and Tease" raises £556 for LOROS


16 Feb 2015

Jo Ward (aka Miss Cherry Blossom) and Hayley Alesbrook-Sewel (aka aka Honey Moon), the two lovely ladies from TC Burlesque, came to LOROS yesterday to present us with the £556 they raised from their recent "Tinsel and Tease" fundraising event and to enjoy a tour of the Hospice.

Jo and Hayley said: "We wanted to visit LOROS to see what good our donation is doing. We were totally blown away by the Hospice and the enthusiasm the fundraisers have for their cause.

"We would like to say a BIG thank you once again for the support from both the performers and audience alike. I wish we could have taken you all with us to see the priceless support and care the staff offer - they are super special people."

Debbie Dickman, Fundraising Co-ordinator at LOROS said: "It was a pleasure to show Jo and Hayley around the Hospice - it is clear that they were really appreciative. I attended their fundraising event and was blown away by the quality of the show and by the obvious enjoyment had by all. We are delighted that they have decided to donate the profit from this years' shows to the Hospice and I am looking forward to working with them.

Their first event - Summer Tease - will take place in June. We advice you to book your tickets as soon as possible as the last event sold out within days!"

Adrian Walker, Senior Fundraiser at LOROS added: "I am so pleased that Jo and Hayley enjoyed their visit to LOROS and that they could see, first hand, what their donations are used for. We are proud that 90% of all funds raised go towards patient care. As an example, the £556 raised during the recent show could pay for a day of complementary therapy for patients and carers and two hours of care for one of our inpatients.

I would like to add my personal thanks and those of LOROS for their continued support to our Hospice."

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12th April

Limited time to book your place at the LOROS Annual Lunch

The LOROS Annual Lunch is being held at historical Winstanley House and promises an afternoon of food, fizz and fantastic entertainment. Tickets are selling fast, with Wednesday mostly sold out and limited numbers left for Thursday.

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LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
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