Record number take part in Eyebrook sponsored walk


26 Mar 2015

By Rutland and Stamford Mecury | Posted 25 March, 2015

The annual sponsored walk in aid of LOROS hospice has become a fixture in the calendar of local walking clubs and people come from far and wide to take part.

A record 125 walkers completed the circuit of the reservoir and donations on the day totalled more than £1000 with more to come. It is expected the total is expected to comfortably beat the target of £1,800 set for this year.

Rotary club president Margaret Simpson said: “It was a delight to see so many people enjoy the day and complete the full circuit – some of them even twice. Raising money for such a worthy cause as LOROS demonstrates Rotary in action – helping local communities through local activities.”

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LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
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