European Certificate in Essential Palliative Care

Accredited Programme 7th April 18:00PM - 20:00PM



Course information

About this programme

A multi professional programme designed to meet the needs of healthcare professionals with an interest in palliative and end of life care. It’s an opportunity to learn about the principles of palliative care, to help support people receiving a palliative care approach to have a better death regardless of setting.


7 April 2025 – Course launch event – GMT 1800hrs

11 June 2025 – Remote assessment day – GMT 0930hrs to 1400hrs

Medical, nursing staff and allied health care professionals. Candidates should have direct contact with patients requiring a palliative care approach but do not need to work in specialist palliative care.

Method of delivery

This is home based study, delivered as an 9 week distance learning course. It is broken into sections, self-directed work, supplementary e-learning. All candidates are provided with supportive virtual sessions,  an extensive course workbook and access to a comprehensive virtual learning site as well as a facilitator to support them through the course. Approximately 50 hours of personal study is recommended.

Assessment is in three formats:

Portfolio – Based on a patient the candidate has cared for with palliative care needs.  The 2,500 word reflective portfolio should include the effect it has on both a personal and professional level. It should be supported by literature and demonstrate how the learning will influence future care.

Written examination: There will be a 45 minute online examination on content from the Course Handbook. It will also include five common opioid calculations.

Oral assessment (Viva): This is a short verbal assessment completed remotely either via Zoom or Microsoft Teams, exploring the knowledge and skills developed throughout the course.

Virtual attendance for  the exam day is essential.

Applications are through Princess Alice Hospice (application form button is at the bottom of the page)

Register for this course
LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator