Dying Matters Awareness Week 2024

Dying Matters Week is an annual awareness raising week to start the conversation about death and dying. It’s a conversation people know they should have but it’s not always easy.

At LOROS having conversations about dying are part of providing good care to our patients.

Don’t Leave it Too Late

This year LOROS’s campaign for Dying Matters Week is Don’t Leave it Too Late. Living life as fully as possible is key to hospice care. But our patients also have limited time left to do that living. This year we are asking people to reflect on the fragility of life and tell us what they’ve always wanted to tick off their bucket list.

It’s a way of considering the future, and also makes it easy to think about actions you should take now – make a Will, plan your funeral, or talk to your relatives about what they want at the end of their lives.

All week on our social channels we’ll be shining a light on Dying Matters Week – follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X.

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator