8th December

LOROS Chief Executive John Knight, reveals the total raised by The Way of The Roses cycle team


LOROS Chief Executive John Knight and Andrew Ward, Challenge Co-ordinator at the Hospice, organised a post-challenge gathering to reveal to our wonderful team of cyclists just how much they raised from their three day, Way of the Roses cycle challenge.

Their grand total was a staggering £12,519.66, which could pay for the care of two inpatients for a 12 day stay at the Hospice - thank you all so much.

The event was kindly sponsored by Cummins Solicitors who covered the costs of the event, ensuring that the entire amount raised can go directly towards the running of The Hospice. Both Mike Cummins and colleagues also cycled the entire route as part of the 18-strong group.

The reveal was followed by refreshments and photos and everyone had a great time reminiscing; they also took the opportunity to start planning for next year's event.

If you’re up for cycling coast to coast along the Way of the Roses, why not get in touch and register for next year’s event, running from 18– 21 August. For more information visit loros.co.uk/cycle

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator