15th June

George House colleagues vote to donate £500 to LOROS


Wow - we won George House's Green Token charity vote and have been awarded a £500 donation!

Jo Rowland, Assistant Merchandiser at George House said: "Asda fundraises for various charities that our colleagues nominate, using a Green Token system.

"We recently started the same method of fundraising and LOROS was one of the first three charities put forward.

"All George House colleagues had the opportunity to cast their vote on which of the three charities should win the top prize and we are delighted to present LOROS with £500."

Lucy, one of the colleagus and George House, added: "LOROS is a local charity that has helped a number of George colleagues and their families. The staff are always friendly, welcoming and willing to do all they can to help those in need.

"As LOROS is a local charity, that is dependent on the kindness of peoples' donations and fundraising, it is important they get this sort of support from their locals to continue their hard work with patients; doing all they can to improve their quality of life and condition, as well as supporting family members of those suffering.

"I think everyone will agree that this money will be put to excellent use, and I am so pleased that George has been able to show such great support for such a deserving foundation.

Partnership Development Lead at LOROS, Magda Korytkowska, said: "I had the great privilege of meeting Penny Alterskye, Jo and a number of their colleagues at their business meeting on Monday 12th May and was delighted to be able to explain how their gift would make a real difference to the care we provide.

"I would like to thank them once again for their very generous donation."

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator