27th June

Coro Nostro concert raises £1053 for LOROS


Coro Nostro performed a concert in memory of their friend and former alto, Elee Kirk. The concert was titled Ubi Caritas Et Amor which translates as Where Charity and Love Are and this was a performance full of love which raised an incredible £1053 for LOROS!

This brings the overall total raised in Elee's name to £9291.96 and is a truly tremendous achievement.  If you would like to help Elee's supporters reach their £10,000 target, you can donate here

LOROS Trustee, Rani Mahal said: "I had a wonderful evening and thought it went extremely well.

"Lydia is an amazing lady and her team were very in sync and harmonious and the evening just got better with each new piece.

"Elee must have been smiling from above during the concert. What a legacy to leave behind and what a successful evening."

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator