10th August

7 events team raise £3,597.90 for LOROS


Jitesh Chauhan and the 7 events team raised an amazing £3,597.90 for LOROS during their 2016/17 campaign.

The team kicked off their events all the way back in April 2016 with a family health and wellbeing day at Evington Leisure Centre. They then went on to complete Tough Mudder and organised their own Summer Raas Garb Night before Jitesh himself tackled the Prudential Ride London 100 as event number four.

Their fifth event saw a team of ten friends and family take on the tough Cannock Chase 10km run before bringing the entire community together to row, cycle and run the equivalent distance from Leicester Tigers to all the away stadiums as they completed Leicester Tigers Away in One Day.

The campaign came to a fitting end with Russell Gamadia completing The London Marathon on 23rd April 2017 in an impressive time of four hours, 15 minutes and 9 seconds.

The team raised an incredible £15,131.42 for a number of local charities including Joe Humphries Memorial Trust, The Teenage Cancer Trust, Leicester Hospitals Charity, and LOROS Hospice.

The money fundraised for LOROS has been used to purchase two brand new syringe drivers which will help us to administer medication to patients both at LOROS and at home. In addition the team also partially funded a riser recliner chair, now in use on the LOROS ward and a number of pressure relieving cushions.

Everyone at LOROS would like to say a massive thank you to the entire 7 events teams along with everyone involved and wish them all the best for 2017 and beyond.

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator