11th September

Father-of-three David, who is fighting MND, has climbed the 3 Peaks, raising funds for LOROS and MND


We couldn't be more proud of David Needham who has completed the Yorkshire Three Peaks in an all-terrain mountain trike wheelchair.  We can’t say with absolute certainty but there’s a good chance he’s the first person ever to do so!

Father-of-three David, who is fighting MND (Motor Neurone Disease), took on the challenge to raise money for LOROS and MND.

David was joined by a group of walkers, including our CEO John Knight, and Challenge Co-ordinator Andrew Ward who helped him complete his challenge.

With a team of four supporters each day, they began their morning with a 5am wake-up and a 6:30am start and climbed both Pen Y Ghent and Whernside in one day finishing a little before dark.

A similarly early start on Thursday saw David climb the last of the peaks at Ingleborough. In true British tradition, the rain and wind rewarded the team on the descent by thoroughly wetting them through!

An absolutely amazing achievement! Huge congratulations to David and well done to his support team, you're all absolutely fantastic!

If this doesn't inspire you to take on a challenge for LORS, we don't know what will! Sign up for your own challenge now at www.loros.co.uk/challenges

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
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