5th December

British Gas colleagues enjoy their volunteer time with LOROS


A huge thank you to the team of British Gas volunteers who made such an amazing difference to the LOROS warehouse by assisting the staff and team of regular volunteers who work there.

Claire from the warehouse said: “I would like to say a BIG thank you for all the help the British Gas colleagues gave me over the three weeks they were here. The warehouse looks brilliant going into Christmas. Thank you!”

Magdalena Korytkowska, Partnership Development Lead at LOROS, added: "The feedback which I have received from my colleagues at the warehouse have been hugely complimentary about the involvement and help of the British Gas team. We are very grateful to each and every one of them for making such a big difference!

"I am delighted that they enjoyed their time with us.  We had loads of really lovely comments from the team  - here are just a few."

"The morning was really informative. Magda gave loads of facts and figures about the history of LOROS and the ways in which they try to raise the £5m they need from fundraising. I found the hospice really comforting and calming which was ideal for the patients and family members. They have always been my favourite charity. The warehouse was interesting. They showed us around and explained the different ways that they try to maximise profits for the charity, like moving unsold items to other shops and the outlet store. Separating items to be sold in specialist stores (i.e.designer things, menswear, children’s stuff). They also said they use eBay to sell high-end items and Music Magpie for old CDs and DVDs which wouldn’t sell in the shops. I felt a real sense of community in the hospice and the warehouse and everyone seemed to want to be there, not just a job."

"I said goodbye to my dad 15 years ago, so it felt quite emotional returning to the Hospice. I have since offered to donate some of my photography services.

"Second time volunteering this year and it was great! I love that we take the opportunity to do something like this. It gives a great insight into the charity that we give money to and brings to attention that everything we raise and do is for a good cause."

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator