6th December

Thyssenkrupp Bilstein Gmbh donation will fund the purchase of wheelchairs and over bed tables


Andy and Clare from Thyssenkrupp Bilstein Gmbh recently visited the Hospice to present us with a £1,500 cheque for the purchase of two wheelchairs and five over bed tables.

Magdalena Korytkowska, Partnership Development Lead at LOROS said: "We are extremely grateful to Thyssenkrupp Bilstein Gmbh for their wonderfully generous gesture.

"Some of our patients struggle to move between areas of the Hospice due to reduced mobility so these wheelchairs will be vital in ensuring they can move around to receive care or therapy. They will also be particularly useful at this time of year when our Day Therapy service hosts Christmas dinners, carols and a nativity performance, allowing everyone to experience these festive events.

"As a Hospice, we also aim to provide patients with two bedside tables; one for their meals and the other for their personal belongings, so they can be kept safe and within easy reach should patients need them. When patients are upset or missing home then it is comforting to be able to look upon familiar items. Being able to eat a meal on a separate table is also crucial for minimising the risk of infection and for promoting a normal eating experience."

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator