19th February

Samworth Brothers Charity Challenge supports LOROS


Every other year Samworth Brothers organise a Charity Challenge for their employees.

In June 2017, three teams from Kettleby Foods, who are based in Melton Mowbray and are part of the Samworth Brothers supply chain, raised money for their three chosen charities, one of which was LOROS.

They took part in a gruelling 10-hour long challenge which included canoeing, cycling and running in the Lake District and were hoping to raise around £2,000.

Team members Mark Taylor, Oliver Van Allen, Steven Banfield, Cara Costello, Andy Nichols, Kate Redden, Florian Hertling, Chantelle Johnson, Emma Bambrook, Mark Cottam, Scott Clements and Nicola Ewan were thrilled when they realised they had smashed through their target, raising an amazing £2,334.63 for the Hospice.

Magdalena Korytkowska, Partnership Development Lead at LOROS recently visited the firm to meet and thank some of the team members and to collect their very kind donation.

Magda said: "On behalf of everyone at LOROS we would like to say a huge thank you to all the team members who undertook the challenge and to all those who supported them in their venture to raise funds for us.

"The money the teams raised could pay for the cost of one of our specialist nurses for three weeks as well as a patient’s meals for six weeks - your contribution truly does make a difference to us!"

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator