22nd May

Mandy Loyal and her amazing team complete 'tough mudder' to raise funds for LOROS


A huge thank you to Mandy Loyal and her team for completing Tough Mudder on Saturday 19th May 2018 at Belvoir Castle.

Mandy said: ‘It was exactly what it says on the tin - tough and definitely muddy but the sun was shining on us, which was a great bonus.

"It was hard work and everyone is still recovering and nursing their very sore muscles but it was worth it for such a brilliant cause."

LOROS Fundraising Co-ordinator, Faron Bloomfield, added: “Mandy and her team have raised a huge £1855.50 for LOROS by completing one of the toughest challenge events around!

"It’s great to hear that they enjoyed it and managed to raise so much whilst doing so; we really appreciate everything they have done and hope to see them getting muddy again in the future!”

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator