30th June

Successful Clobofest raises £1952.55 in memory of a dear friend


Leanne Harper and her husband Kev wanted to fundraise for LOROS after they had cared for her good friend Chloe last year.

Named after Chloe, the event was about everything she loved about festivals; music, crafts, games and even a well-being area.

Held in April at St Andrews football club in Leicester, the event raised an amazing £1952.55 in Chloe's memory.

Debbie Dickman, Fundraising Co-ordinator at LOROS said: "We’d like to say a huge thank you to Leanne and Kev and every single person who helped to raise this amazing total.

“This money could pay for the cost of one of our specialist nurses for almost three weeks and is greatly appreciated by everyone her at LOROS"

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator