12th August

TSB exceed their fundraising target by 50%


TSB Bank recently hosted Manager's Meetings at the LOROS Professional Development Centre and also took part in the tailored bereavement training to gain skills they can use to support their customers.

During the meeting, they took the opportunity to present LOROS with a further cheque for £1000.

Magdalena Korytkowska, Partnership Development Lead at LOROS, said: "We have been their chosen Charity for the last year and I'm really pleased that they exceeded their initial target of £1200 by almost 50%.  - their fundraising total reached nearly £1,800 which is amazing.

"I'm delighted that they have also selected us as their Charity of the Year for another year and we are very excited to have the opportunity to work alongside them for even longer!"

If your business would like to put on an event in aid of LOROS then please contact the Partnership Development Team on 0116 231 8431 or email fundraising@loros.co.uk to learn how we can help and support you.

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator