13th September

British Gas VolunTEAM finish second Forget Me Not batch in a flash!


A team of six from British Gas took on the challenge of boxing our second delivery of 700 Forget Me Nots from British Ironworks. They whizzed through their task and the boxes are now on their way to their new owners across the UK.

British Gas are avid supporters of our volunteering opportunities and their hard work is appreciated so much.

We would like to thank the team who have supported our Forget Me Not Campaign and we look forward to seeing them soon on their next challenge.

VolunTEAM that are looking to support us on a community day the please see our latest volunteering opportunities here or contact Abigail Battisto on 0116 231 8431.

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator