15th October

When two become one to benefit LOROS


Team Red vs Team Blue 

Two teams came together as one on Friday to complete the mammoth task of helping to prepare for the Leicester Marathon.

The strong winds and showers were no match for our amazing volunteers from Santander and British Gas, who put together over 3,800 goody bags, split up 4,000 bananas and sorted out 4,000 medals!

Santander and British Gas are two of our biggest volunteering supporters and both teams did such a fantastic job - we couldn’t have done the work without them and we would like to say a massive thank you to all the team members and their Team Leads for supporting us.

If you have a team that wants to support LOROS by volunteering please email AbigailBattisto@loros.co.uk for further details.

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator