6th December

Hobby raises £480 for LOROS


We would like to thank Dave and Helen Peach for kindly donating £480.00 to LOROS from the sale of wooden Christmas decorations which Dave made on his wood lathe.

Helen said: "Dave's hobby is woodturning and he decided to make the decorations in support of LOROS after experiencing the care and devotion that was given to our brother in law, Michael Bancroft and his family; their dedication and support were invaluable.

"We will continue to support LOROS during 2019 and Dave will be putting new ideas into place for next Christmas.

"We would like to thank Michael's sister, Jane, for knitting the scarves for all the snowmen.

"Thank you to everyone at LOROS - you are all angels."

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator