18th July

Quiz night raises £1,120


A big thank you to Steve Davies from Cadent Gas who recently organised a Quiz Night at The New Plough in Hinckley to raise funds for the Hospice.

The event raised £560 which was doubled by Cadent to total an amazing £1,120.

LOROS volunteer, Yvonne, attended the event to raise awareness about the Hospice and the care we provide.

Magdalena Korytkowska, Partnership Development Lead at LOROS, said: “I would like to thank Steve for organising the event and everybody who made the evening a success. It is wonderful to see the support that Cadent Gas continue to show us.

"Steve visited me last Friday to present the cheque and take a tour of the Hospice - it was lovely to catch up with him."

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator