3rd September

Boswoth walking group Open Gardens event raises £1,150


Members of the Bosworth Walking Group “Lets Walk” held an open garden event at the end of July.

 A member very kindly welcomed visitors to his gardens which were very impressive and the rain didn’t dampen the attendance at all!

 From tea & cake, tombola and plant sales there was plenty to be involved with, whilst enjoying the beautiful gardens.

An impressive £1,150 was raised during the afternoon. £560 would cover the cost of one bed for a day so this very generous donation will go a long way to supporting LOROS.

Community Fundraiser, Emma Priest said: "A huge thank you to everyone in the group, their friends and family and members of the village, for their support - it was a brilliant event to attend!”

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator