15th November

Weekly pub quizzes raise £450


The Pied Bull Quizmaster, Wayne recently presented LOROS Ambassador, Kathryn Oliver with a very welcome cheque for £450.

The money was collected by patrons of The Pied Bull in Shepshed over many months of their weekly quiz nights. They chose to split the pot between local charities, with LOROS very kindly being chosen as one of them.

Emma Jones, Fundraising Co-ordinator at LOROS said "This will really help make the world of difference to patients and their families. £450 could pay for numerous aromatherapy, reflexology and massage sessions which help relieve pain, sickness and anxiety for patients and their carers.

"Thank you to all of the customers who took part in the quizzes."

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator