4th February

Santa sleigh collects more than £600 for LOROS


Local group "Queniborough November 5th Committee" recently donated some money to LOROS from their Santa Sleigh Street Collection.

A lot of work goes into the collections, starting with the creation of the sleigh which is different each year!

Santa and his helpers are then out collecting during December and the proceeds are split between their designated charities and put back into the village towards events and projects.

This year LOROS was one of the chosen charities and we were welcomed to a community event to collect the donation of more than £600!

It is a fantastic amount raised from a brilliant friendly community and it will go a long way towards helping LOROS continue the work both at the hospice and out in the community supporting patients and their families.

Thank you to the organiser and supporters of the event.

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator