14th February

Jazzbash raises over £1,000 for LOROS and Prostaid


This January local jazz bands came together with Stuart Battle and the Jazzbash team, raising a fantastic £500 for LOROS.

The Jazzbash has been running for 16 years which highlights the organisers' dedication and love of music.

Fundraising Co-ordinator,  Emma Jones said: “It’s a brilliant event, with so many great performers involved and The Musician is a brilliant friendly and relaxed venue. It was a pleasure to be invited to the cheque presentation at the Donkey, Leicester to accept the very generous cheque too.”

The event takes place each year to raise funds for LOROS and Prostaid, in memory of Dave Rae. Join the event next year on Sunday 24th January 2021!

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator