9th February

Virtual Zumba class raises more than £3k for LOROS


On Saturday 30th January Kyle Greenwood along with three other instructors brought over 100 people together virtually to 'Dance for LOROS' with a 90 minute Zumba Class.

Kyle hoped to lift people's moods whilst raising as much as he can in memory of his Grandma, who sadly died at LOROS in November.

Kyle said: "My Nan was on the ward for about two months in total, and during that time, she was treated like a queen - they really did treat her like royalty”.

"Nothing was ever too much trouble and the experience really lifted her and made her more comfortable in her last months and days. I will be forever grateful and cannot thank them enough."

Raising over £3,000 this event really did bring some joy to a lockdown weekend and the money raised is fantastic!

Emma Jones, Supporter Engagement Co-ordinator said: “The event was a huge success and shows that fundraising really is still possible during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

"Kyle and the team did a fantastic job and the feedback was superb."

 Kyle has said he would definitely be up for arranging another one, hopefully not virtual so if you missed out, watch this space!

 Well done Kyle for your amazing efforts!

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator