17th June

Seed Swap and Fundraiser raises over £850!


Volunteer Wendy Frank recently got in touch explaining that “Once again LOROS had come to the aid of a close family friend” and wanted to arrange something to raise money.

At the end of May, with support from her daughter Jenny, family and residents on her road they planned a seedling swap and cake fundraiser day to raise money for LOROS.

Neighbour Tal Austin and family were a great help! They grew lots of vegetables to sell, baked cakes, made delicious samosas, provided pakoras and chutney. Hosting the event outdoors on the driveway, people supported by buying books, toys, DVDs, refreshments and six year old Oakley was a great help with the tombola.

Wendy said, “Everyone pulled together to make it a really enjoyable afternoon. Despite the predicted rain we even had a couple of spells of sunshine and it was a chance for new neighbours to meet each other too”.

Commenting on her past fundraising events, she added “Previous cake sales have raised a few hundred pounds”.

Wendy and the residents did an amazing job and we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone involved for following COVID-19 guidance and for helping to raise over £850!

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator