9th December

The Queen's Head Golf Society raises a further £2,100 for LOROS


The Queens Head Golf Society competed for the "Brian Tate Memorial Trophy" again in July in aid of LOROS. They held a raffle (Jo Cook and Sam Bedford were stars selling the tickets), an auction (superbly conducted by Andy Watts), and received many kind donations. Two of those were from local companies, Johnson's and Lurex.

The photograph shows Sam Bedford, the landlady of the Queen's Head, with the winner, John Cornick and the society captain, Dave Bedford, handing a cheque for £2.100 to Debbie Thrussell who was representing the LOROS charity.

Debbie said: “A huge thank you to everyone who has contributed to this fantastic total. Support like this enables us to be here, providing care for our patients and making a difference when it matters the most.

"We’re well aware that times are tough for all of us, which makes your help even more important, so on behalf of LOROS, thank you.”

 Since 2014, the society has raised a total of £16,728.66 for LOROS.


LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator