20th September

The Nick Hastings Memorial Golf Day

Laura (Left) Alex, LOROS Corporate Co-ordinator (Middle) and Gary (Right)


Gary Rowlands of Heart Of England Motorhomes Ltd, along with colleagues, friends and family organised their own Golf Day last year, in memory of their dear friend Nick Hastings.

Nick was cared for at the Hospice in early 2023 and after seeing the difference LOROS made, Gary and his wife Jayne wanted to fundraise for LOROS.

The event took place at the Breadsall Priory Golf Club on a very wet September day, but the 80 golfers were not deterred and full of enthusiasm! The event included a brilliant evening dinner, with a raffle of some amazing prizes!

Emma Jones who was representing LOROS said “The difference this money will make is incredible. It could run the hospice for over 9 hours, we are very grateful!”

A huge thanks to everyone who supported the event, sponsored holes, donated prizes and helped organise the event.

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator