Paying tribute

The news that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has died has caused deep upset to many of our supporters.

Many people are saddened and grieving the loss of our monarch after her unprecedented 70 years on the throne, lifetime of dedication and unswerving duty.

Ribbons for Remembrance

Just over a week ago at our Big Day Out, we invited supporters to hang a ribbon in remembrance of a loved one on our tree in the Hospice gardens. Many people wrote messages on the ribbons as they tied them to the tree’s branches and found it a comforting way to remember and honour the special people who touched their lives.

In light of recent news, we have decided to offer supporters the opportunity to remember the Queen with a special purple ribbon on our tree.

Some of our patients, their families and our nursing teams have taken this opportunity to hang a ribbon, paying tribute to Queen Elizabeth II and sharing with others what made her so special and unique. If you would like to pay your condolences in this way, please fill in the online form below with your message and we will hang your Ribbon for Remembrance on our tree.

We have removed the requirement for a donation to be made, so this gesture is completely free of charge.

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator