Garry's story

At LOROS our vision is that everyone with a terminal illness is able to die with dignity. Sadly we know that for patients who choose to be in their own homes at the end of their lives, this is not always the case. LOROS is kickstarting a campaign to try and change that. Here’s Garry’s story which shows why this campaign is so important.

In March 2020, my wife Keri and I got the diagnosis that we were dreading. Over the next few months every scan and test confirmed the progressively worsening cancer, and sadly we got the news that there was nothing more to be done.

“On the night of 20th December, Keri’s symptoms grew increasingly painful and we tried to call for overnight support. We were told that there was just one nurse covering and that we’d need to wait three hours for a visit. During this time, Keri’s pain and anxiousness increased to intolerable levels; she knew she was dying and no one was there to administer the symptom relieving drugs that were right next to her. The pain in the eyes of the girl I’d loved for 30 years was more than I could take.

“Eventually, at midnight the nurse arrived and gave Keri the drugs she so desperately needed. As the relief took her, she died in my arms.

“Now I reflect on Keri’s death I think about how it could have been different, and how this might have helped me and my children come to terms with our grief.

“If something positive could come of this, it would be to help other people in our situation.”

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LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
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