Glastonbudget festival: Organisers promise best ever with 160 acts


23 Mar 2015

By Leicester Mercury | Posted: 22 March, 2015

Glastonbudget, reputed to be the biggest tribute act festival in the world, is expecting to attract more than 10,000 music fans to Leicestershire in May.

The event celebrates its 11th year with 30 tribute bands and a further 130 local acts.

Organisers say it will be the best yet with many returning bands and a mystery act lined up for a surprise appearance.

Promoter Nick Tanner said: "This is our eleventh year We are expecting at least 10,000 people to come along to enjoy the 160 acts on seven stages."

The festival runs from May 22 to May 24 and Turnpike Farm Wymeswold, will be transformed with legendary tribute acts from across the 70s, 80s and 90s.

Camping will also be available over the weekend.

He said: "Throughout the three-day event, festival goers will be able to see a selection of the best tributes take to the main stage with the likes of Oasish, The Darkside of Pink Floyd, Not the Rolling Stones, Kazabian, Abba Revival and of course The Times top five rated tribute act.

"The Four Fighters also make a welcome return."

He said: "Glastonbudget encourages up and coming artists from across the area, such as Leicester acoustic duo Abandon Her, guitarist Aaron Stratton and soft rock group, 5th Pier."

Many have been selected through auditions.

The event also supports a wide variety of beer and produce that is available from across the Midlands.

He said that over the years the festival goers have raised more than £70,000 for local charities including the LOROS hospice in Leicester.

Mr Tanner said: "We wish to highlight the importance of donations received. Glastonbudget are proud to continue their work with LOROS in 2015 and wish to raise even more donations than before.

For more information about tickets or acts visit

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