Lotteries update

We're seeking more people like Sue!

You may have spotted Sue around the Hospice recently, she’s a Lottery volunteer, and kindly offered to help us with raffle. She managed to sell lots of tickets at the Hospice with her big smile and friendly chat, so thank you if you purchased yours from Sue. She was over moon with her sales by the end of each day.

We’re desperately seeking more people like Sue to support our work and help us to sell scratch cards and raffle tickets. If you have a family member, friend, neighbour or colleague who may have a few hours to spare, we would really appreciate the support. Sue loves volunteering for us, here’s what she had to say:

“I’ve been a LOROS volunteer for over 10 years now. I thoroughly enjoy the flexibility to manage my own diary. It’s nice being able to pick and choose when I work, and what I do, without having to commit to every week or every month. In the spring and summertime, I enjoy being outdoors walking, so door dropping leaflets is a lovely little job in the drier months. And when it’s cooler outside, I enjoy selling scratch cards and raffle tickets in my local garden centre. So I do what works for me. And it’s surprising just how rewarding it can be. I love listening to people’s stories and experiences, and hope that I help in some small way. I’ve also made lots of lovely friends, who I now meet up with outside of volunteering. It’s a great way to socialise and have fun, whilst making a real difference and raising money. There is no better feeling!”

Win in Spring

This year we’re hoping to sell out of our current scratch card game, to make way for a new game and design in 2025, to celebrate our anniversary year. And that’s where we need your help!

This March we’re launching a scratch card challenge called ‘Win in Spring’. The idea is for each department to sell 31 scratch cards in 31 days, that’s just one per day. This would equate to over 500 scratch card sales in a month, helping us reach our sell out target. Sell to friends, family, neighbours, social groups, each other, pop in birthday cards, whatever works for your team.

And what’s in it for you? Chocolate of course, it couldn’t really be anything else at Eastertime!

Look out for more Win in Spring information, coming soon!

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator