Regular giving

by Sharon Copeland

Feel the sun from both sides

To quote David Viscott, “To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides”

These are words that I am sure resonate with us all. It’s a simple truth, the ability to give love as well as receive it, really does warm and brighten us.

I would like us to compare this to becoming a regular giver with LOROS. Regular giving is like any good friendship or relationship in that it consists of many small acts of love or support throughout the year. That constant little reminder of “I am here for you” It is reliable, consistent and stable. It gives out of love and expects nothing in return.

Regular giving to LOROS involves regularly donating an amount of your choice, either monthly, quarterly or annually by direct debit. I compare this regular donation to the compassion and companionship I see in Day therapy, that listening ear I know supports in counselling, and that care spent teaching patients new ways to adjust in enablement. Like all of these small quiet acts around the Hospice, regular giving repeatedly whispers throughout the year “I see you, and I support you”

By supporting LOROS as a regular giver I have to be honest, you won’t win any prizes. There will be no big presentation, photo shoot or personal best time achieved. But I really am sure that by supporting LOROS in this way you will feel the sun form both sides, even on the gloomiest of February days.

My name is Sharon Copeland and I am the new regular giving co-ordinator. To say hi and sign up in person as a regular giver and become a Friend of LOROS you can now email me on and we can arrange a few minutes to do this in the hospice or over the telephone – it would be lovely to personally welcome you to our regular giving community. Alternatively see

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator