Lotteries update

It’s that time of year when we start to consider the year ahead, and what that might look like. Some may have big life changing plans, others may be focussed on a few small wins, and many may have no desire whatsoever to make any changes, and that’s ok!

So if you’re sitting somewhere in the middle, considering what you might do this year to make you feel good, doing good is a great place to start. Helping others contributes to our overall happiness, positive emotions and helps us feel connected. So why not tick the ‘small wins’ box today and support and win with us in 2024?

For just £1 per week you can put a positive spring in your step by joining the LOROS Lottery at And you never know, you just might win £2,000 in the process.

Happy new year from all of us in team Lotteries. 

Players must be 18+ and a GB resident.

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator