Many of you will already be aware that our manned guarding service on Reception out of normal hours ended on 1st January. This is to bring us in line with other hospices across the country, and to create a significant financial saving to help support our financial sustainability objectives.
From that date we will have security attending at 7.30pm each evening to lock up and secure the site, before handing over to the nurse in charge.
We will also have a call out service for both security and for Facilities if the need arises. The nurse in charge has phone numbers for both of these options.
For those of you that come into and out of the Hospice through the main reception doors you may find the outer door locked outside of 8.30am-7.30pm. In this situation you will be able to use your normal LOROS swipe card to gain access through the outer door. The readers are on your left as you enter, and on your right as you leave. Please be aware of anyone following you in as we need to control access to the Hospice when reception is not attended. Any visitors out of hours should be referred to the nurse in charge on 0116 231 6005.