Cari's Wing Walk

Have you heard? Cari Mason, our Hospitality Assistant, is doing a Wing Walk for LOROS in July!

Cari and her mother

Cari said: "This September, I will be taking on the Wing Walk for LOROS, and the inspiration behind that is from 11 years ago when my mother was a patient here, so LOROS is very close to my heart. They helped me during the start of my mum’s illness, and the staff here taught me to look after her because I gave up work to care for her. She spent her last few months here, and I was lucky enough to bring her home for the last week of her life. She sadly died in my arms, so LOROS means a lot to me. My father-in-law also passed away here about three years ago, so I really do love this place and the patients. Honestly, they are all my little angels, and if I can bring them some joy into their lives and give them something at such an awful time, that's what I'm here for.

I'm really excited for the wing walk, and people ask me, 'why are you taking part in this?' 'why do you want to stand on the wing of a plane?' The reason being is last year, I did a skydive, and it might sound crazy to others, but it felt like the closest I've been to my mum in 11 years. And as I was falling, that's all I was thinking about.

It's hard times for everybody, and financially asking for their support is tough. This year is a little different from last because it's twice the amount of money that I need to raise, so there is pressure, and it can be a little daunting. So, any help I can get is so very much appreciated. It's a lot of responsibility, but selfishly, I want to be with my little angels that one last time."

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LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
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