2024 colleague survey

In just a few weeks, LOROS will be launching the 2024 colleague survey. Your insights are incredibly valuable to LOROS, and we can't wait to hear from each and every colleague.

You might recall our last survey in 2021, where we received an insightful response from a wide range of departments. Your feedback from that survey was instrumental in driving significant initiatives, including the successful implementation of Project JES, among others. Your opinions truly shape important work, and we're committed to listening and taking action based on your valuable input.

As we prepare for the 2024 survey, we encourage you to start thinking about your experiences, suggestions, and any areas where you believe we can improve together. Your honest feedback fuels LOROS’s progress and helps us create a better workplace for everyone.

The survey will launch on 18th March and together we’ll continue to ensure LOROS is a great place to work!

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator