Win in spring challenge

by Nikki Coles-Cross

In the last Pinboard, we told you about a spring challenge that we’re running in March, and we’re hoping that the mention of chocolate caught your eye.

We need to try and sell out of our current scratch card game this year, before it ends in 2025. This will make way for a new design next year, to mark our 40th anniversary. And that’s where we need your help!

We’re kindly asking each department, or a person, to sell just 31 scratch cards in 31 days during March. That’s just one per day! This could equate to over 500 scratch card sales in a month, moving us that one step closer to our sell out target. Sell to friends, family, neighbours, social groups, each other, pop in a greetings card, buy as a gift, whatever works for you or your team.

And to say THANK YOU for your support, we promise something deliciously chocolatey for you and/or your team to enjoy. So get in touch today if you’re up for the challenge

Happy March! 😊

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator