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November world religion calendar

November 1st: Samhain- A Pagan and Wiccan festival marking the end of the harvest season

November 1st- All Saints Day: A day to honor all holy men and women who have been canonized in the Catholic Church

November 2nd- Anniversary of the Crowning of Haile Selassie: The day when Haile Selassie ascended the Ethiopian throne. This is one of the holiest days in the Rastafarian year

November 27th- Guru Nanak Ji’s Birthday: A day commemorating the birth of Guru Nanak Ji who founded Sikhism

November 12th- Diwali: A 5-day festival celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains. It honors gods, goddesses, harvests, New Years, etc.

November 27th- Jain New Year: A day celebrated on the first day after the month of Kartika.

November 30th- St. Andrew’s Feast Day: St. Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland, Greece, Russia, Ukraine, Barbados, and Romania. This day honors him, his good works, and his canonization in the Catholic Church.

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