Bereavement Support Volunteers needed


Job description

Summary of Volunteer Role

To provide group and individual Support for bereaved people at LOROS and in the Community Hubs and one to one in their own homes. This is for up and coming hubs in Market Harborough and Melton Mowbray.


Key Volunteer Duties

  • To assist with set up, ‘meet and greet’ and facilitation of the group as directed by the group lead.

  • Attendance of debrief and supervision as required for the designated group

  • To visit identified people in their own home and offer 1-1 bereavement Support (Not Counselling)

A quote from a current volunteer:

“Supporting a bereaved person is truly humbling, being allowed to share their personal memories and emotions. Whilst this can be challenging at times it is also very rewarding and I have personally gained so much from being part of this volunteering team”

Accompanying files


For informal enquiries please contact Jo Beeching on 0116 2318414 or Michelle Warden on 0116 23187549- Bereavement Support Coordinators.

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator
CQC logo
LOROS The Leicestershire & Rutland Hospice
CQC overall rating